Category:MSSI Lab

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The MSSI Lab 2018-12-21

The MSSI Lab is a space for ISI MSSI students to do their research and course work. The lab is located on the 3rd floor of Malone Hall in room 316 at requires a J-Card to enter. Students are typically given access to this room on or before New Student Orientation. If your J-Card does not allow you to access the room, please visit the ISI administrative office in Malone 160.

Cameras and Security

Several cameras have been installed in the MSSI lab. While they are there for your safety, please do not rely on cameras to prevent theft. Always secure your belongings before leaving the lab and do not leave valuables overnight.

Computing Resources

MSSI Workstations

The MSSI Lab houses 21 general-use workstations for MSSI students that can be accessed using an MSSI Account.


Both the MSSI Lab and the Build Lab have access to the MSSI WiFi network that can be accessed using an MSSI Account.


On either side of the lab are two short-throw projectors and a speaker system that covers the entire room. Students wishing to use these projectors can do so by connecting to the HDMI port under the North-East table in the audio-visual floorbox. In order to turn on the projectors and adjust the volume, there should be white Epson remote nearby. Please remember to turn off the projectors and return the floor box to its original state when you're finished.

Please be respectful of your fellow students using the lab by keeping the volume as low as possible and only displaying appropriate content.

Pages in category "MSSI Lab"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.